Getting Ready for the One of A Kind Christmas Show

Monday, May 20, 2013

106 Reception Hor D'oeuvres for Artists: 67 Grouped by number of ingredients

To be honest, I inevitably leave the opening reception appetizers till the last minute, then find myself speeding through the grocery isles hoping to spot something to suit. Well, it's time for me to raise the bar in that department.

I scoured Pinterest over many an evening in search of visually appealing, simple to moderately complicated canapés. Some simply offer inspiration. The result is a collection of 106 Hor d'oeuvres -- now my Opening Reception resource. You can find all 106 of them on my Pinterest board.

Don't have a Pinterest account? Do not despair.

The Pièce de résistance is that I have posted 67 of those marvelous mouth-waterers here, dividing them up under number of ingredients, making this a super easy go to source for appetizers.

And it is tremendously user friendly. On my Pinterest board you will find that over 67 of the pins list the ingredients in the description, which will help speed up decision making about re-pinning, and cooking/making/baking, without needing to check a link first! Here, on my blog, all 67 have the ingredients listed.

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 ● two  2 ● INGREDIENTS ● ● two ● 

 ● three  3 ● INGREDIENTS ● ● three ● 3 

 ● four  4 ● INGREDIENTS ● ● four ● 

 ● five  5 ● INGREDIENTS ● ● five ● 

 or more  6+ INGREDIENTS 6+ or more 


  1. Wow - what a treasure, Col! Thanks for collating this.


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